Wednesday, December 31, 2008


From my perspective, it is difficult to understand how anyone can honestly believe in religious doctrine. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, anything. Of course the believers will throw out words like "faith" in order to prove why their religion is believable. [On a somewhat different note, I once had someone tell me that "Trees are proof that God exists."] 

The only religions I can understand are the ones that we now consider ancient myths. Long before modern science and technology, people were trying to assign meaning to the mysteries of the Earth. It was only natural that these ancient peoples assigned gods to any unknown force. [Sun god, god of fertility, etc.]

As for modern religions, Scientology really takes the cake when it comes to ridiculous doctrine. This post by Ebonmuse just served as a reminder of the senselessness that is Scientology. I believe the story can speak for itself. 

According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, Xenu was an alien overlord who, 75 million years ago, was in charge of a "Galactic Confederacy" consisting of 76 planets, including Earth (which, according to Hubbard, was then called "Teegeeack"). This planetary confederation was desperately overcrowded, and to solve this problem, Xenu devised a genocidal plan. Luring billions of citizens to government offices under the pretense of tax inspection, he dosed them with paralyzing drugs, flew them to Earth, then unloaded their bodies around the bases of volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs inside the volcanoes, killing them all.
The dead aliens' souls, which Hubbard referred to as "thetans", were then captured using an "electronic ribbon" and taken to "implant stations", where they were forced to watch a movie containing various misleading beliefs about the existence of God, the Devil, Jesus, and so on. After this process of brainwashing, the thetans were released and took up residence inside the bodies of living beings on Earth. According to Scientology, these "body thetans" still exist in each of us, causing all the physical and mental illnesses that human beings suffer from.

Oh! Now I see! It all makes sense now! 


1 comment:

  1. The ability to believe in crap that one knows is not true must be an artifact of human evolution. There must have been a survival benefit from believing nonsense while also knowing that it is nonsense.

    Scientology is organized crime.
