Friday, January 4, 2008

The Descision

As an internet obsessee, I had been contemplating creating a blog for some time. One to express my ideas, views and experiences openly with anyone who feels so inclined to read it. However, I had second thoughts. What if no one read it? What if I got lazy and the blog rotted along with other long forgotten e-experiments in cyberspace? What if I had nothing to say? Does it really matter?

After catching myself writing blog posts in my head while driving to and from school, showering or doing some other mindless activity, I decided that I needed to get the ideas out of my head. Sounds like I need a shrink, no? Since I don't have the time or money to do that, a blog was the next best thing. However I still had the fear of my readership. Who would the be? Would I even have any? I came to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter who reads what I have to say and who doesn't. The freedom of expression overwhelmed me and I asked my closest friend, who follows countless blogs, to push me in the right direction.

And so I am here. At least I know I will have one reader.

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