Monday, January 7, 2008

Gotta give him credit

It has to be hard for any guy to date a horse lover. Especially if he hasn't always been around horses or horse people. As any other horse owner knows, taking care of horses is a full time job that never ends. Not unlike taking care of a thousand-pound, perpetual toddler. 

Between school, sleep, cleaning stalls, feeding and cleaning the barn, etc. etc. I barely have time to eat and take a shower before I fall asleep. Even if I do have the time to go out, I most likely smell like a horse [which I don't mind] have mud on my shoes and hay on my shirt. 

My wonderful love doesn't seem to mind. And if he really does mind, he doesn't complain too terribly much. I have heard the occasional grumble when I'm too tired to go out or something like that but if that's all I hear, I am perfectly happy. To have someone like that; someone who is even willing to help out with barn chores and willing wait on me is more than I ever thought possible. 
In spite of everything he has to put up with because of me, he is patient with me to a point that almost seems impossible. He is amazing.

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